For more information, you can contact Steve Nelson.
Mission Organization Website
To find us, click GIVE and enter STEVEN NELSON.
"For so the Lord has commanded us, ‘I have placed You as a light for the Gentiles, That You may bring salvation to the end of the earth.'"
Acts 13:47
Steve Nelson Newsletter
Church gatherings meet at a home in the Clarkston area at 10 AM on Sundays. Steve Nelson leads and can be flexible if necessary.
There are churches in Raleigh and Gainesville, Florida that Steve Nelson is mentoring weekly over the phone.
Our Vision
To equip Christians to be effective witnesses for Christ. To make disciples who will make disciples, and to start new churches in Atlanta, Georgia and the Southeast. We continue our church-planting ministry in Ukraine, but while living here in America.
Our Leader
Pastor Steve Nelson
Steve has been serving as a pastor in the Southeastern US since 1979 with several church plants.
They served 6 years as missionaries in Ukraine helping the nationals with evangelism, discipleship, and church planting. We still have contacts/friends there and hope to return this fall for a few weeks to build the churches there.
Steve and his wife, Danelle, are active in evangelism and discipleship training with Atlanta House Church and help start and mentor churches throughout the Southeast. They are also invited by churches to teach on discipleship, marriage, or child raising.
Pastor Timmy Powers
Timmy was one of our church members in Clemson, SC, when Steve served as a pastor. Timmy has been a pastor for over 25 years. Timmy, Joe, and Steve all lived and served in Europe together for many years. Timmy continues to travel to Ukraine about 100 days a year. He lives here in Atlanta, where he and Steve are pastoring in the same church.
Pastor Joe Dunn
Joe Dunn currently lives in Orlando. Joe has been a pastor with Great Commission Churches for over 25 years. He lived in Amsterdam with his family and helped to start a church there. Joe is heavily involved in our European church-planting ministry.