"Then have them make a sanctuary for Me and I will dwell among them."
​Exodus 25:8


​​​Who We Are.

Many faces, one faith.
​We are an independent Baptist church located in Loganville, Georgia.  We strive to be a beacon of light and hope in our community working to reach others who are hurting or in need of Christ. Our congregation consists of people from all walks of life who share Christ's mandate for His church.  We are a church that longs to reach people in need of salvation and works to disciple them so they may walk a fruitful life pleasing to God.  We are a place of new beginnings.  A place that regardless of your past or present circumstances, welcomes you and looks to share God's love with you. 

Our Mission.

Sanctuary Baptist Church takes its inspiration from Exodus 25:8.​​
​It is our mission to share the good news of Jesus Christ with the hundreds of thousands in Northeast Georgia and by helping people to become spiritually mature through bible studies, small groups and seminars.
​It is the vision of Sanctuary to be a place where the hurting, the depressed, the frustrated, and the confused can find love, acceptance, help, forgiveness, guidance, and encouragement.​

What We Believe.​

As an independent Baptist church we are free from formal association with any regional or national organization.  We believe this is the example set for the Church in the Bible and strive to maintain this autonomy.  This autonomy does not however preclude coordination with other like minded churches which we frequently do when we believe it better serves the cause of Christ in various endeavors.  We do not believe the Bible is a living book that is subject to change depending on the evolution of social norms.  We strive to uphold the values taught by Christ and the apostles but are not legalistic in their enforcement.  We believe the primary focus of the Church is to reach others for Christ and minister to all God's children who may be hurting. For more information, you can check out ourStatement of Beliefs.